Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Ironic What Happened Today without Faith"

What happened to human life that are very contradictory ;

Where one side there are people wallow riches and pleasures life of the world, 

boast such a wealth of riches will provide real happiness and blinded everything about meaning of life.

But on the other side there are people struggling for faith and faithful about what believe even life for paid.
yes, it is happening NOW.... 

God told to Muhammad His messenger :

"Human life must be balanced both for this world and the hereafter, follow your heart and believe what you believing"

So, what should be done in the world is to save your brothers and sisters who are suffering, do not be blinded by the riches and your arrogant that may mislead the hearts and beliefs. Wealth that you preferred to forget your brothers and sisters will simply bring you to the endless pain someday....




Mean while........ 
some people is difficult to get food, feeling so cold and hot because don't have clothes when the weather changed, no place to rest even for while, get a worse memories when still too young

Just struggle, scream, cry and hope that is his heart...

NOW it's happened beside us, our brothers and sisters still war & fighting for the rights, home, love &  faith. 

Why we can't do anything......?!

(We Will Not Go Down)

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