Friday, August 17, 2012

 "8 Ways to be Superb Young Man"

Time passes quickly. It seems only yesterday we were 12 years old, was playing a bicycle around the house. At the age of 22 years, many have decided to get married and quit school, and with borrowed money is there, many think will be a millionaire at the age of 30 years. Or as bad-bad 35 years of age. But in reality, things do not go as smoothly as planned.

Here are 8 ways to be a young person who is not "rich" but "success":

1. Complete your education.
Do not stop. Perhaps you feel tired now, but do not let you be in a situation where you do not like your job, but you can not stop. Completing your degree will open doors to more opportunities.

2. Money does not rot, keep it.
Start investing early. How much stuff do you have to show the amount of money you spend during school and college? If you invest half of it, you'll have a lot in your midlife. Invest early.

3. Quality time in the office is important, but the amount of your time at home was the most important.
Your boss will not care about your family. But the family remained there long after you leave your job. So you should prioritize your family.

4. Do not listen to those who say that there is a short road to wealth.
Wealth is created because you managed to offer something interesting and valuable to those who ask. Important lesson here is, find requests that have not been met and learned how to meet them.

5. Make sure your partner has the same value to you.
This one could determine your happiness. Talk with your partner, an important value in your life that should be taught to children, even if you do not plan to have it.

6. Learn to build a network.
Learn to keep in touch with old friends. Learn to ask for help without being seen doing it. Look at how other people build a network. Remember, what matters is not what you know, but what can you do with what you know. And more importantly, not who you know but who you know. Learn to build a network without expecting anything in return.

7. Never accept a job just Because the pay is higher.
Do not accept a job just because he has a higher fee, Life is not just about money.

8. Trust, but verify.
You can believe what is taught, you hear, and read as a child. But now, you continue to have to check the references, asking questions and seeking answers. Do not become a cynic, but make sure everything is.

Life is hard, but that's where we understand the true meaning of life... you will be grateful that the test of God, because that will not be given to everyone. Only those who are patient, honest and kind will be given a severe test and then get the result behind it all.

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